Apart from being just a delimiter, the comma operator allows you to put multiple statements in a place where one statement is expected. Eg:-

for(var i=0, j=0; i<5; i++, j++, j++){
  console.log("i:"+i+", j:"+j);


i:0, j:0
i:1, j:2
i:2, j:4
i:3, j:6
i:4, j:8

When placed in an expression, it evaluates every expression from left to right and returns the right most expression.


function a(){console.log('a'); return 'a';} 
function b(){console.log('b'); return 'b';} 
function c(){console.log('c'); return 'c';}

var x = (a(), b(), c());

console.log(x);      // Outputs "c"



  • Note: The comma(,) operator has the lowest priority of all javascript operators, so without the parenthesis the expression would become: (x = a()), b(), c();.
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